Tuesday, April 21, 2020

One Vision for Pandemic

During this pandemic, we find we are all vulnerable.  Every place on earth is affected.  No one is completely safe.  Many people find this unnerving due to massive change and uncertainty.  Sometimes having a possible vision of the future may settle the nerves for some people.  It is my intent to share one such possible vision based on personal observations and knowledge.  Please note, this is only my educated opinion, not a professional road-map for action.  Therefore, please read this with that perspective in mind, and attach to it no more value than that of settling your nerves.  And as always, please share you comments.

What will this pandemic bring - one vision of the near future.

1. As individuals:
   a. We should follow the rules, conscientiously and responsively,
       to minimize the risk to us and others
   b. We need to stay at home, unless an emergency necessitates otherwise
   c. In public - wear masks & gloves, maintaining social-distance...
   d. We may consider everything worn among people as potentially contaminated
   e. Upon returning home - we may strip, wash everything, take a shower...
   f. In general - we wash hands and face often, disinfect common spaces daily,
       keep hands down (away from face)...
   g. We should notify others when we see risk
       - i.e. see something, say something

2. At work:
   a. We need to re-envision business models to maximize work from home,
   b. We need to convert work into these new work from home business models
       - some things may seem impossible, but we will solve those eventually
   c. We need to convert shopping models to maximize online, minimize physical stores
   d. We need to convert shopping experiences into these online models

3. As a country/state:
   a. We should follow best practices found in the global community (#4 below)
   b. We should find new leaders to best lead us through this crises
   c. We may need to impose severe restrictions in areas where outbreaks are severe,
       but people don't follow the rules
   d. We need to expand internet infrastructure to accept all the new online traffic
       - e.g. fiber-optic lines, satellite internet, faster/compressed signaling...

4. The world at large:
   a. We may need to become a more coordinated and responsive global-village
   b. We should collect best practices from the countries that are beating the odds
       - e.g. South Korea; BTW - our daughter lives there and shares her insights
   c. We need to develop a vaccine - under way, but may take another 3 to 12 months
   d. We need to find/develop an effective anti-viral inhibitor
       - there are candidates that need testing, approval, production, distribution...
   e. We need to re-define boarder protocols to inhibit the spread of the virus
       - see 1.b South Korea
   f. We need to assist poor countries where the infection/death rates are the worse,
       both to help them and ourselves