Thursday, March 6, 2014

Which – Which Zen Practices to Avoid in Agile

If you apply Zen to Agile go easy.  Avoid the Zen Koens. 
They are difficult, confusing, and intended to lead to analysis-paralysis.
Agile is about action; Zen … not so much.
So use Zen where it is needed (see Were above); not beyond.

And always true-up to the Agile Manifesto.  It is our fundamental guide.


Monday, March 3, 2014

Where- Where is Zen Useful to Agile

Zen is most applicable to Agile in situations and places where there is conflict, contention, strife, friction, discord, and lack of cooperation.
There, Zen is effective.  It can bring peace, calm, and harmony.

Therefore, if you walk into a contentious situation be prepared to be the calming element.  Center yourself.  Speak in a level, calm, slow, metered voice.  Ask everyone to take a couple deep calming breaths, and then assist the group in finding their center – where is it?  Typically, the center of the group is the vision that brings them together.  Remind them and review that vision.  That is their common ground for rebuilding positive relationships.

If that fails to calm the situation, try reviewing the Agile Manifesto.  If that fails, try reviewing the reasons they work in the first place.  If that does not work, ask everyone to take a time-out and reconvene the “after lunch” – food is great at making piece.

I will cover actual conflict resolution and management in a later post.