Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What - What are the basic seven questions

While working with Scrum Teams I recommended limiting their idea proposals to the six common questions we learned in school:
Who,  What,  When,  Where,  Why,  How
Yet this approach seemed incomplete, inflexible, and limiting.   There always seemed to be a need for more details in some area.  Until one day I had an “aha moment”.   I uncovered the ‘Seventh Question’:


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Which - Which posts are interesting

Periodically new themes will be started.
These will be labeled with "New".
You may want to read these to see if you may be interested.

This is the Last post of the "Start" series.
This series answered the basic seven questions:
who, what, why, when, where, how, and of course which.

The next theme is the "basic seven questions" - 7Q -
to explain them and propose some Agile applications.


Monday, April 22, 2013

How - How are these posted

First, selected the overarching guiding theme - Simpler Agile.

Second, select a sub-theme or general topic, currently - introduce this blog.

Third, select a simple approach for presenting the sub-theme, currently - answer seven basic questions.

Fourth, write a short post for each element of the approach while foccusing on the sub-theme, currently - answer the "How" question.

Fifth, repeat from step two until ideas are exhausted.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

When - When will new post appear

I plan to post between once per week and once per month on average.
The limitations are enough time, interesting topics, and available access.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Why - Why this blog exists

I think too many people complicate or confuse ideas.

I also think it is much easier to present stream of consciousness thoughts, 
rather then distilling the essence of ideas.

Therefore, I will share my distilled insights so others can build on them.

I also will use this blog to build ideas into articles ... and eventually into a book.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What - What this blog is

This blog presents Agile concepts, principles, and practices 
by simplifying them to their core elements.  

By design, it is short, specific, and terse.
It does not make any claims of correctness.  
It presents the views of its author (see Who).


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Who - Who I am

I am an Agile Coach.
I work with organizations who want a transformation into Agile Methods. 
I live in Palatine, a suburb of Chicago.
I work mostly in the US, but occasionally visit other countries.

I've blogged before and now return for a second round.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Start - Everything starts sometime

My name is Paul I. Pazderski.
This is the start of my new blog - Simpler Agile.
The two driving topics are - "Simpler" and "Agile" (yes ... I know).

Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential.

Agile -- (computing) Of or relating to Agile software development, a technique for iterative and incremental development of software involving collaboration between teams. (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/agile)